Monday, July 23, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Hundred and fifty posts in a couple of years - thats just under one and half posts per week. When I started off blogging exactly two years back, I could not trust me enough that I would keep blogging for a while, leave alone for two years. Although not a lot of people read it regularly, and even less actually leave comments, some do, and my thanks to all the visible and invisible readers. This blog turns two tonight, and I now I have grown quite addicted to the concept of blogging. As for the birthday gift, I already got it one.


tuktuki said...

Wow...what a lovely birthday gift !
Long live "dipthought"
All the best

dipthought said...

Hehe... thanks!

JR's Thumbprints said...

Hello? Rico? Is That You?

Hello? Sal? Is That You?

Hello, hello, Rico? Is That You?

Hello, hello, hello, Sal? Is That You?

dipthought said...

How exactly this is related, JR?